No matter how "Enlightened" you are. Your "FreeWill" or at least your understanding of it is a self deceptive lie.
The you that you think you are is a seven leveled light being "seven notes in music" Seven colors etc. They corresponded with your Chakra system. Each Color/Note has Nine subtle layers. Your chakras are reverse mini black holes.
Lets take a small break from this to help see we are the center of infinity. If you look out you see a solar system. If you look in you see atoms. They both spin and look the same. If you look further out you see a galaxy. If you look further in you get quarks. Quarks come in to existence and leave again very fast. A black hole spews a galaxy into existence and after a very long time sucks it back in. Do you see the parallels? Size and time is the only difference. But time and space are the same.

You perceive at any given moment from from one of your seven chakra's. When you perceive you are doing one of three things. Active, passive or neutral. The 21 primary earths around the milky way correlate with the three states multiplied by your 7 possible perception points. The 9 subtle levels project onto the inside of your aura and spin and rotate in response to your response to your response. You are connected to your 20 other selves. They are do and holding true the opposite's of each other. When you sleep your minds are moved by your astral body's to the earth that is your absolute parallel opposite. This is done so you believe you are having a unique experience but energetically it is your etheric twins experience. Yes you have been here before. The other side of this coin is the explanation of your existence in the dream.
Ever wonder how past lives can happen if not at the same time. How could I kick you if I have not been kicked. Or how could you get kicked if you have never kicked someone. They happen all in the internal Now. You see you are in the middle of space and time. BOOM!!
If you get all that then your mind is free. If you keep learning from your parallel selves your body then soul can free itself. All miracles work this way. The last clue I am aloud to to give before agents show up and try and stop me is this. Its all one !!

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