Have you ever said things like...

" Humanity is broken" or " when will we learn" or " why are the elite manipulating everyone" . This is a double edged sword. You must remember two things. One, you needed the half broken world to rise up out of. And there is no world "Out There" other than a over magnified reflection of you. The more light the darker the shadows. The people will all need each other to create a better world with. The best thing you can do is believe in them and second forgive yourself for when you did the things they are doing . In your current now you may not remember you have played every one at some point. Love, stillness and meditation will bring you insight into the nature of things. You exist in all you life times future and past. The truth you hold in the now radiates to you threw out time and space in all your forms.
Stand or sit in your Now and Forever and transmute all with understanding . Watch as the news changes and the world heals itself from your inside out. Become the cause not the reaction to things you put in motion millenniums ago ... Past and future. Love everything always ... Or don't. just get over yourself everytime an out dated belief comes your way. Remember the opposite of everything you believe is also truth. Its up to you to hold true what you want to repeat in front of you. This how you carry on living with a personality now that you know you are God and you always have been. #NamasteBitches see I can be funny.

"GARAMA" Channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
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