The Absolute Truth is seamless! All beliefs whether it is about Aliens, Holy men and women who have walked the earth or The Absolute and True God of All. Are real on one plan of existence or another. The Third Dimension we live in is a multidimensional Shadow World.
All that exists, Exists Now. Everything we perceive is made of sound and light, which is the same thing at different vibrations. The Difference between God and Matter is nothing. If we have to make a distinction one vibrates faster than the other. Which one vibrates fast is irrelevant, because a finite concept divided or multiplied by a infinite concept, is still a infinite concept. What I am saying is a finite particle is still a reflecting of a infinite concept. Everything that is! Is reflected in every thing that is!
What I have just said in a very big and very small circle is EVERYTHING IS TRUE TO SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SOME TIME. Now because time and space are the same and time is not real. Everything is true NOW.
It is our jobs as human beings to gather light/truth/information and actualize them, in other words make them real.
Lofty spiritual concepts have a tendency to be lived in our heads or we try and act sweet and nice all the time. This leads a person to a scenes of non-groundedness which makes life surreal. All of the emotional spectrum is Holy and God. Matter and Spirit are mirrored in all spectrums Anger and Love . To reject the one is to reject the other. We are here to expand and refine our consciousness.
Our capacity to feel deep emotion at will is what makes the human race the most advanced being ever convinced by the mind of God, In potential anyway. For us to achieve that potential we need to assimilate everything there ever was or ever will be in our mind and body. In order for this to happen we are going to need to start using the rest of our brains, the 92% that is just itching to be used.
How we do this will be explained in the next chapter.
Before you even think of looking at the next chapter you must master grounding.

Step one to staying grounded. You may not use a artificial substance to attain a temporary state of enlightenment. You have all the D.M.T. you will ever need just sitting in your brain right now.
Step two is exercise , it may be walking playing a sport or even better yet yoga or martial arts. Weightlifting is another very good way to stay in your body.
Third and most importantly do not reject any aspect of your emotional spectrum. Anger grounds you very quickly. Joy love happiness' elation are the emotions that bring more of the higher vibration to us. But cannot alone ground the total spectrum of Creation into our body's.
"GARAMA" Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
Royalty Free Meditation Music - Meditation... by petercool217
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