... As a kid I remember thinking if I could ask God one
question it would be “can you remember your beginning ? ...
The origin of "us" lies in the nature of indivisible oneness
and the desire to have desire. Before God became the belief of many, God was a
single thought “What am I !?” which was both a statement and a question.
The only way I could think of answering this question was to create a plane of existence to experiment within.
I did this by dividing myself into three equal selves. The first would be an observer and the second would translate the thirds state. The observer would be the only one to fully know itself as all three. The second would feel it was all three but have no way to express it. While the Third could think of its profound nature with no clue of its origin.
The holographic nature of this experience meant all three would exchange place every NOW. In-between the three identical beings, seven levels manifested. The seven levels became known as Maya or the seven heavens.
Being a place of infinite expression bliss was created. The
three Beings would reflect there nature onto the seven levels using the
principle of above so below or macro micro which created the nine inner planes.
Then I had a moment of pure greatness I created Time. I did
this by creating three opposites to my original three. All six would sit on the
Karmic Council and would balance each other by "inversing all desire". And the "15th
Dimensional Matrix was born."
This is also how free will was created. For free will to truly come into creation I had to give up my control and fall into my creation. I made a physical being which was a reflection of all I had created thus far. Mankind needed a background story. So I created two versions of the being, one was a starting point and one was the final product. Male and Female.

This whole construct was known as AKASHA. Which means “perfect completion” . My entrance into this realm would become known as “THE FALL OF MAN” from mans point of view as he would have no memory of his origin.
To say, I descended into creation or to say creation
ascended into me are both true. So belief is very mutable, are you looking at
it from Gods point of view or mans point of view? You are both, so choose
carefully. There are more ways to look at it than there are quarks in creation.
From the view of one, three or seven ... or from six beings or the nine planes . To name a few
“Garama” channelled by Garth van Rooyen
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