Tuesday 20 January 2015

Chapter four : The Truth about "TRUTH"

Every belief you have ever had or will have is a lie. All beliefs are built on other beliefs. There is a law in creation which states " the opposite of every truth is also true ". 

This is because everything is not as it seems. There are no opposites!! Everything is on a spectrum. Light and dark are relative to one another they are one. Did you know that the colour black is not void of light . It is so much light that it can not escape itself. Now listen up ... You can use the law of polarity to transmute any belief into any other belief buy just having a look at you belief from the opposite side. Everything you experience is a polarized picture of you previous perception.

Through this understanding you will see that it is very important to keep you beliefs lucid...the reason our DNA downgraded in the first place was we started deriving our truth from the out side in, not the other way around. Until we had no true free will left. At that point we where left with no choice...just the illusion of choice. How and why this happened will be elaborated on in another chapter.

So you need to ask yourself a very important question every time you feel confined. Ask yourself not "what do I believe?" but why do I choose to believe it? When the opposite can also be true. Just look at your multidimensional belief matrix from its polar opposite and think "which one serves me best?" What do you truly want from love, life and everything. Then hold that true. For what you hold true will be pulled from the void one piece at a time. The speed of which, will be up to you...if you choose to hold true what I have just said.

The goal generally of the elite 😇😉😈  is to know everything,  got to tip you hats to them . A lie is so much more easy to sell. When lets face it, you cant even give the truth away for free!!

"GARAMA" Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
Royalty Free Meditation Music - Meditation... by petercool217

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