What is the difference between? "Difference" and "Stuff". The answers is nothing there is no difference.
In receiving you are giving and in giving you are receiving. When you ask a question you are giving an answer. The other side of your multidimensional self is your singularity self.
To access your singular self you must be free of fear. Your mind needs to know itself in relationship to itself . Before you can transcend yourself you need to like yourself. Whether you know it or not you are everyone and everyone is you the space between you is the same. Your application of your day to day truth causes you to negate this. You do this because you are a being in flux and are redefining yourself over and over to fit into your same difference definition of self in relation to other.
The above is true of any aspect of you in parallel unison with any other. You ability to look from many view points but only two points at any time leads to a fragmented self/ collective self view point.
As long as you think opposites exists you will hold and manifest your fear of having to not be who you think you need to be in relation to who you need to think everyone/everything is. Both change and fear do no exist so much as the mind does not exist in real eternal terms they both are a multidimensional shadow/ mirror world. The irony is the moment you see past this, is the moment you and the mind become real. You both tranced it and master it. The mind recognizes you as its creator because you then love the mind as you have in truth always loved yourself. You are able to wake in the dream and know yourself to be the dreamer. You in the pure and perfect moment of now, are the singularity and the multidimensional self.
This all gives way to the multiverse where there is you the awake dreamer who is in the presence of the sleeping dreamer. If you can stay in a state of love you are at peace with the fact that you are alone and safe in the presence of nothing less than pure possibly. When you have mastered this balance, you the singular and the multitude can in your stillness, bliss and joy dream something new. You will possess a secret no one will know. Because only you will be dreaming of your world from inside this zero point energy, you are all there is.
"GARAMA" Channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Om Meditation - Free Royalty Free Binaural... by petercool217
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Friday, 30 January 2015
Chapter Fourteen : Advanced Meditation Techniques - Consciousness Expansion And Refinement
The porpoise of meditation is to still the mind so you can move on from word comprehension to energy comprehension and then void comprehension.
Your consciousness needs two things to achieve liberation from the self imposed mind prison. Consciousness expansion and consciousness refinement. This is done using breath work. Remember when your breath is in your everything when your breath is out your nothing. We perceive reality on the In breath and react on the out breath.
For you to expand your consciousness breath in for three counts and then breath out for as long as you can. Ten counts should be the minimum.
For you to refine your consciousness
Do the opposite. Breath in for as long as you can and breath out for three counts.
To build up your chi or prana very fast. Breath in and as you do this picture energy being pulled up your legs from the earth into your body as you breath out picture energy being pulled out of the air around your body into every cell in your body. Half way threw this technique you "must" reverse your visualization. Breath energy back into the earth and energy back into your environment. The reasons for doing the reverse stage if multifold but just know the main reason is so you stay grounded.
When you have master stilling your thought process you can experiment with healing your body ... Reversing your age if you like. You can heal the earth . Heal everyone on the planet. Remember you are limitless . Only thing holding you back is your resistance to be the hero of your own story.
"GARAMA" channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Om Meditation - Free Royalty Free Binaural... by petercool217
Your consciousness needs two things to achieve liberation from the self imposed mind prison. Consciousness expansion and consciousness refinement. This is done using breath work. Remember when your breath is in your everything when your breath is out your nothing. We perceive reality on the In breath and react on the out breath.
For you to expand your consciousness breath in for three counts and then breath out for as long as you can. Ten counts should be the minimum.
For you to refine your consciousness
Do the opposite. Breath in for as long as you can and breath out for three counts.
To build up your chi or prana very fast. Breath in and as you do this picture energy being pulled up your legs from the earth into your body as you breath out picture energy being pulled out of the air around your body into every cell in your body. Half way threw this technique you "must" reverse your visualization. Breath energy back into the earth and energy back into your environment. The reasons for doing the reverse stage if multifold but just know the main reason is so you stay grounded.
When you have master stilling your thought process you can experiment with healing your body ... Reversing your age if you like. You can heal the earth . Heal everyone on the planet. Remember you are limitless . Only thing holding you back is your resistance to be the hero of your own story.
"GARAMA" channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Om Meditation - Free Royalty Free Binaural... by petercool217
Chapter Thirteen : The Galactic Alien Manipulation - Arrested Quantum Development
The human eye can see only a very small slice of the light spectrum. So when I say that aliens are real, you need to move past your idea that they need a definition that parallels your understanding of humanity. Aliens exist not just out in space but also in between space around space and there for in side "you". As mentioned in a previous chapter, humanity was created by 23 super root races. They did this, from their different perspectives for Meany reasons. Remember if you create reality with your mind, you created them to give yourself a background story. But in the same why the ground you walk on is real and the sun in the sky is real, they too are alien technology. Flowers, trees all technology!! Reality is seamless from the ground up to the highest Heavens God consciousness is one.

There is a master alien race for each of the 15 Dimensions that imprison the mind of God. Now before you say God is no prisoner!! Remember you are God. So why are you not free to be your highest expression of yourself ? Why do we age and die ? Why cant we heal the sick ? Why cant we create food out of no where and feed the poor ? Why are we on this never ending cycle of destruction and growth? Alien manipulation that's why.
Your world you get born into you are told is a school for spirit or soul. You pick and choose your beliefs from the people you encounter. You then go one to live the life that you naturally create based on your belief's. Each person creates a life with different degrees of freedom. We do what we do because other people do it.
No matter how well we do we all grow old and die. We are then born again into a situation that is a karmic reflection of what we created in our past life. Here is the catch we have no memory of our previous life. And so as we become more enlightened we have many many lifes as Gurus as rich men and woman and healers of different types. Then out of pure boredom and frustration we manipulate and abuse the other prisoner's.
Which means we get born into a world where we are manipulated by prisoners even more enlightened and wise than we are. Think what conclusions you come to about life and its porpoise at that point. Do you see how our blessings become or curse's eventual. All the Aliens that live out side of time both "good" and "bad" are part and parcel of the cosmic conspiracy. They have a energy source in humanity that will never escape or run out. Spiritual energy is infinitely pure and powerful. The human mind was created to imprison and create, but the creator gods saw the potential and work in unison to keep use asleep to our true power. They use very advanced technology to do mind wipes, relocated people and places. The life your living how did you really get there. Its all been a big lie.

There is good news ... But of cause. Now hear what I am about to say in your whole being. WHAT THE ALIENS CAN DO WITH TECHNOLOGY!! WE CAN DO WITH OUR MINDS!! It all comes down to one thing, the great question. Do not ask yourself "what do I believe ?" Ask " why am I choosing to believe it? " Do your beliefs serve the highest expression of what you want humanity to become?
"GARAMA" Channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Om Meditation - Free Royalty Free Binaural... by petercool217

There is a master alien race for each of the 15 Dimensions that imprison the mind of God. Now before you say God is no prisoner!! Remember you are God. So why are you not free to be your highest expression of yourself ? Why do we age and die ? Why cant we heal the sick ? Why cant we create food out of no where and feed the poor ? Why are we on this never ending cycle of destruction and growth? Alien manipulation that's why.
Your world you get born into you are told is a school for spirit or soul. You pick and choose your beliefs from the people you encounter. You then go one to live the life that you naturally create based on your belief's. Each person creates a life with different degrees of freedom. We do what we do because other people do it.
No matter how well we do we all grow old and die. We are then born again into a situation that is a karmic reflection of what we created in our past life. Here is the catch we have no memory of our previous life. And so as we become more enlightened we have many many lifes as Gurus as rich men and woman and healers of different types. Then out of pure boredom and frustration we manipulate and abuse the other prisoner's.
Which means we get born into a world where we are manipulated by prisoners even more enlightened and wise than we are. Think what conclusions you come to about life and its porpoise at that point. Do you see how our blessings become or curse's eventual. All the Aliens that live out side of time both "good" and "bad" are part and parcel of the cosmic conspiracy. They have a energy source in humanity that will never escape or run out. Spiritual energy is infinitely pure and powerful. The human mind was created to imprison and create, but the creator gods saw the potential and work in unison to keep use asleep to our true power. They use very advanced technology to do mind wipes, relocated people and places. The life your living how did you really get there. Its all been a big lie.

There is good news ... But of cause. Now hear what I am about to say in your whole being. WHAT THE ALIENS CAN DO WITH TECHNOLOGY!! WE CAN DO WITH OUR MINDS!! It all comes down to one thing, the great question. Do not ask yourself "what do I believe ?" Ask " why am I choosing to believe it? " Do your beliefs serve the highest expression of what you want humanity to become?
"GARAMA" Channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Om Meditation - Free Royalty Free Binaural... by petercool217
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Chapter Twelve : The Galactic Anatomy
This will sound like you have heard it before. Our solar system has planets spinning around the sun. Atoms have electron's spinning around a nucleus. Quarks' which make up sub-atomic matter pop in and out of existence within a millionth of a millionth of a second. All galaxy's have huge black holes that spit them out into existence. After a few million million years the galaxy's are sucked back in. But nothing is ever really destroyed. All the atoms hold a vibratory memory of everything they experience. The collective memories of all the atoms in all the galaxy's is what we mean when we say "Spirituality" . In every world and in every age there have always been Adepts who can read the recoreds stored in the atoms of there body.
Because the memory's of all the mirrored worlds are not destroyed both time and space are the base or ground zero of Soul. Your soul is the void or pure potential with the backdrop of the manifested worlds. So from your souls point of view time is not real and all your incarnations' in many many worlds as many many beings. They are all happening at the same time. When your soul is done having this multiplex experience it sounds the soul song of total recall. At this point your soul ascends into its higher self. which is made up of twelve higher-levels they intern descend into a Monad or God spark.

The first part or Ascension is something a few great masters have been able to achieve. The second part or decension is not only rear but has never been achieved in Your world. The truth is only you can do this!! There have been more beings than you could imagine who have done it. But they live inside and beyond anything you can think of they are hiding and watching in water droplets in the air you breath the ground you walk on and laugh at you threw the fire's of NOW. They cry with you Laugh with you and can only love you as much as you should love yourself. All healing all joy and glory is yours to give to yourself. You are Gods gift to You. Namaste Bitch ass.
"GARAMA" channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Because the memory's of all the mirrored worlds are not destroyed both time and space are the base or ground zero of Soul. Your soul is the void or pure potential with the backdrop of the manifested worlds. So from your souls point of view time is not real and all your incarnations' in many many worlds as many many beings. They are all happening at the same time. When your soul is done having this multiplex experience it sounds the soul song of total recall. At this point your soul ascends into its higher self. which is made up of twelve higher-levels they intern descend into a Monad or God spark.

The first part or Ascension is something a few great masters have been able to achieve. The second part or decension is not only rear but has never been achieved in Your world. The truth is only you can do this!! There have been more beings than you could imagine who have done it. But they live inside and beyond anything you can think of they are hiding and watching in water droplets in the air you breath the ground you walk on and laugh at you threw the fire's of NOW. They cry with you Laugh with you and can only love you as much as you should love yourself. All healing all joy and glory is yours to give to yourself. You are Gods gift to You. Namaste Bitch ass.
"GARAMA" channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Monday, 26 January 2015
Chapter Eleven: Self Love Is Of Prime Importance
You are all there really is and self love is the beginning of a beautiful universe. Love yourself over everyone because you emanate creation from your center...it all begins and ends with you.
The more you find out about the anatomy of eternity the more you will love everyone and everything. But a healthy boundary is very important and even if you are one with everything you are more everything than everything is you. The reason self love is so important is be cause as you expand your consciousness you will discover more extreme mirrors. You must remember the more your light increases the greater the shadows. This is all a never-ending journey into Self.
A very good way to clear your personal shit. Is to look in a mirror and put you hand on you chest. Then say I love you and I'm sorry. Say it till you mean it. You and your genetics have been threw a lot!! Your soul has its vibratory memories and you genetics has all the memory's of all the people who came before you. They all had a generally tough time getting you to this point and the reason your brain cant register most of the cellular memories is the pure collective trauma.

You also know on a very real level you are the limitless God of all. The two will only reach realignment when you have enough self love to forgive yourself. This new energy will flow out of you and forgive others for there ..."once apon at time Ignorance".
"GARAMA" Channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
The more you find out about the anatomy of eternity the more you will love everyone and everything. But a healthy boundary is very important and even if you are one with everything you are more everything than everything is you. The reason self love is so important is be cause as you expand your consciousness you will discover more extreme mirrors. You must remember the more your light increases the greater the shadows. This is all a never-ending journey into Self.
A very good way to clear your personal shit. Is to look in a mirror and put you hand on you chest. Then say I love you and I'm sorry. Say it till you mean it. You and your genetics have been threw a lot!! Your soul has its vibratory memories and you genetics has all the memory's of all the people who came before you. They all had a generally tough time getting you to this point and the reason your brain cant register most of the cellular memories is the pure collective trauma.

You also know on a very real level you are the limitless God of all. The two will only reach realignment when you have enough self love to forgive yourself. This new energy will flow out of you and forgive others for there ..."once apon at time Ignorance".
"GARAMA" Channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Chapter Ten : The Final Explanation Reloaded
Do not be fooled into believing that both the good guys and the bad guys are not more sinister than your worst nightmare.
No matter how "Enlightened" you are. Your "FreeWill" or at least your understanding of it is a self deceptive lie.
The you that you think you are is a seven leveled light being "seven notes in music" Seven colors etc. They corresponded with your Chakra system. Each Color/Note has Nine subtle layers. Your chakras are reverse mini black holes.
Lets take a small break from this to help see we are the center of infinity. If you look out you see a solar system. If you look in you see atoms. They both spin and look the same. If you look further out you see a galaxy. If you look further in you get quarks. Quarks come in to existence and leave again very fast. A black hole spews a galaxy into existence and after a very long time sucks it back in. Do you see the parallels? Size and time is the only difference. But time and space are the same.

You perceive at any given moment from from one of your seven chakra's. When you perceive you are doing one of three things. Active, passive or neutral. The 21 primary earths around the milky way correlate with the three states multiplied by your 7 possible perception points. The 9 subtle levels project onto the inside of your aura and spin and rotate in response to your response to your response. You are connected to your 20 other selves. They are do and holding true the opposite's of each other. When you sleep your minds are moved by your astral body's to the earth that is your absolute parallel opposite. This is done so you believe you are having a unique experience but energetically it is your etheric twins experience. Yes you have been here before. The other side of this coin is the explanation of your existence in the dream.
Ever wonder how past lives can happen if not at the same time. How could I kick you if I have not been kicked. Or how could you get kicked if you have never kicked someone. They happen all in the internal Now. You see you are in the middle of space and time. BOOM!!
If you get all that then your mind is free. If you keep learning from your parallel selves your body then soul can free itself. All miracles work this way. The last clue I am aloud to to give before agents show up and try and stop me is this. Its all one !!
No matter how "Enlightened" you are. Your "FreeWill" or at least your understanding of it is a self deceptive lie.
The you that you think you are is a seven leveled light being "seven notes in music" Seven colors etc. They corresponded with your Chakra system. Each Color/Note has Nine subtle layers. Your chakras are reverse mini black holes.
Lets take a small break from this to help see we are the center of infinity. If you look out you see a solar system. If you look in you see atoms. They both spin and look the same. If you look further out you see a galaxy. If you look further in you get quarks. Quarks come in to existence and leave again very fast. A black hole spews a galaxy into existence and after a very long time sucks it back in. Do you see the parallels? Size and time is the only difference. But time and space are the same.

You perceive at any given moment from from one of your seven chakra's. When you perceive you are doing one of three things. Active, passive or neutral. The 21 primary earths around the milky way correlate with the three states multiplied by your 7 possible perception points. The 9 subtle levels project onto the inside of your aura and spin and rotate in response to your response to your response. You are connected to your 20 other selves. They are do and holding true the opposite's of each other. When you sleep your minds are moved by your astral body's to the earth that is your absolute parallel opposite. This is done so you believe you are having a unique experience but energetically it is your etheric twins experience. Yes you have been here before. The other side of this coin is the explanation of your existence in the dream.
Ever wonder how past lives can happen if not at the same time. How could I kick you if I have not been kicked. Or how could you get kicked if you have never kicked someone. They happen all in the internal Now. You see you are in the middle of space and time. BOOM!!
If you get all that then your mind is free. If you keep learning from your parallel selves your body then soul can free itself. All miracles work this way. The last clue I am aloud to to give before agents show up and try and stop me is this. Its all one !!

Saturday, 24 January 2015
Chapter Nine: Laughter and Enlightenment
Ever wonder what Laughter is? Well on a base material level it is this. As you read this or listen to someone your left side of your brain is vibrating is unison, hoping to make some new insight into your true nature (for most people this is happening below there level of awareness). When your right side of your brain see's a patter (that is the right sides porpoise) that is a direct contradiction to your belief matrix. There is an electrical jump from your right brain to your left and then back again so fast your brain shorts out for as long as you are laughing. This has such a good and profound effect on every level of your soul matrix that it in turn affects every cell in you body. More oxygen is absorbed into the cells and they balance energetically in an instant. You are temporarily out of your mind and your Soul returns to your source. This from the souls point of view is liberation from the illusion of life and death in all it variations. Liberation from the belief that you are a mortal being who may stop existing one day.
Did you know that crying and Laughing are the same thing? But at different vibrations. Crying is ...your being saying "I DON'T IT I DON'T GET!!".

Laughter on the other hand is your Mind and Body and Soul saying "I GET IT, I GET IT ... I AM FREE AND FOREVER! BECAUSE A PART OF ME APPEARS NOT TO BE BUT IS!! I GET IT ... OH MY ME I GET IT!!"
Have you ever laughed really hard at something ? Really laughed from the belly? Afterwards when you try to figure out what was " FUNNY " . It is imposable to know the full extent of the humour paradox. This is cause the brain was not meant to comprehend the full extent of your true soul matrix. This would lead to full blown insanity... Which funny enough is what Laughter is, but just for a bit.
I "THE MIGHTY GARAMA" have no use for laughter ... Or pooing ... Or a bum hole . But I am big enough to admit I miss the the last two.
Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
DISCLAIMER WARNING: The video below has nothing to do with "THE MIGHTY GARAMA". Garth insisted we put it in ... he is convinced I might be Karmic ally constipated.

Mabey ..."I AM THAT ... I AM"
"an esoteric jest"
Did you know that crying and Laughing are the same thing? But at different vibrations. Crying is ...your being saying "I DON'T IT I DON'T GET!!".

Laughter on the other hand is your Mind and Body and Soul saying "I GET IT, I GET IT ... I AM FREE AND FOREVER! BECAUSE A PART OF ME APPEARS NOT TO BE BUT IS!! I GET IT ... OH MY ME I GET IT!!"
Have you ever laughed really hard at something ? Really laughed from the belly? Afterwards when you try to figure out what was " FUNNY " . It is imposable to know the full extent of the humour paradox. This is cause the brain was not meant to comprehend the full extent of your true soul matrix. This would lead to full blown insanity... Which funny enough is what Laughter is, but just for a bit.
I "THE MIGHTY GARAMA" have no use for laughter ... Or pooing ... Or a bum hole . But I am big enough to admit I miss the the last two.
Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
DISCLAIMER WARNING: The video below has nothing to do with "THE MIGHTY GARAMA". Garth insisted we put it in ... he is convinced I might be Karmic ally constipated.

Mabey ..."I AM THAT ... I AM"
"an esoteric jest"
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Chapter Eight : Getting Over Yourself
If you have got what I have said thus far. You have one last hurdle your past and your future. They will hunt you down like a pig dog. What did you think I had no sense of humour. But seriously you have unlashed all kinds of shit. Remember when I said there are two types of Karma. The one is where, what you do gets done to you at some point. The other is you are responsible for what you know. For your level of God Realisation. What you know you can not un-know.
Have you ever said things like...

" Humanity is broken" or " when will we learn" or " why are the elite manipulating everyone" . This is a double edged sword. You must remember two things. One, you needed the half broken world to rise up out of. And there is no world "Out There" other than a over magnified reflection of you. The more light the darker the shadows. The people will all need each other to create a better world with. The best thing you can do is believe in them and second forgive yourself for when you did the things they are doing . In your current now you may not remember you have played every one at some point. Love, stillness and meditation will bring you insight into the nature of things. You exist in all you life times future and past. The truth you hold in the now radiates to you threw out time and space in all your forms.
Stand or sit in your Now and Forever and transmute all with understanding . Watch as the news changes and the world heals itself from your inside out. Become the cause not the reaction to things you put in motion millenniums ago ... Past and future. Love everything always ... Or don't. just get over yourself everytime an out dated belief comes your way. Remember the opposite of everything you believe is also truth. Its up to you to hold true what you want to repeat in front of you. This how you carry on living with a personality now that you know you are God and you always have been. #NamasteBitches see I can be funny.

"GARAMA" Channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Have you ever said things like...

" Humanity is broken" or " when will we learn" or " why are the elite manipulating everyone" . This is a double edged sword. You must remember two things. One, you needed the half broken world to rise up out of. And there is no world "Out There" other than a over magnified reflection of you. The more light the darker the shadows. The people will all need each other to create a better world with. The best thing you can do is believe in them and second forgive yourself for when you did the things they are doing . In your current now you may not remember you have played every one at some point. Love, stillness and meditation will bring you insight into the nature of things. You exist in all you life times future and past. The truth you hold in the now radiates to you threw out time and space in all your forms.
Stand or sit in your Now and Forever and transmute all with understanding . Watch as the news changes and the world heals itself from your inside out. Become the cause not the reaction to things you put in motion millenniums ago ... Past and future. Love everything always ... Or don't. just get over yourself everytime an out dated belief comes your way. Remember the opposite of everything you believe is also truth. Its up to you to hold true what you want to repeat in front of you. This how you carry on living with a personality now that you know you are God and you always have been. #NamasteBitches see I can be funny.

"GARAMA" Channeled by
Garth van Rooyen
Chapter seven : The Four Digit I.Q.
Many of have heard you only use a small percent of your brains, 9-12% depending on who you ask and what you read. IQ is our why of determining how intellectual a person is. In more resent years people have put a focus also on EQ or emotional intelligence. What is not mainstream information is that there are Three other forms of IQ that exist. Namely Logical Intelligence Quota, Creative Intelligence Quota and Spatial Intelligence Quota. All three are special in that they use both the right brain and the left brain in different proportions.
The porpoise of any master is to balance his or her brain activity. A person who uses both sides equally will activate the Pineal gland a little at a time. It is the part of your brain that will grant you SUPER POWERS, it controls time, space and all matter. Now you understand why grounding is so important or you run the risk of loosing your mind or put better, suffering from a psychosis. A powerful mind with no control can be a bit of a nightmare. The only remedy for that is food, sleep, exercise and laughter. Oh right praying also helps all in moderation.
The first one we will discuss will be logical IQ it is you ability to add numbers play strategy games like chess. Sudoku is also a very good game for sharpening you logical IQ. Chess especially has an underlying sacred geometry woven into it. If you down load a chess app and play for just 15 min a day, you will notice a quick development of your Logical IQ. It uses the left brain mostly, but creative strategy will make you a good player.
The second one is Creative IQ. This is your ability to make opposites or random things reconcile. It is the ability to see the parallels in all things. This will lead to you being a better artists. This uses the right brain mostly but the left brain plays its part because you will need all you knowledge to remember random facts to see that different things are not different. They might have a comin use or be used in the same places, they might be from the same country or both have the same eating pattern...etc etc. The more you do this the better you will get.
Last is spacial IQ. It is your mind body connection. If you where good at a sport or did dancing or martial arts you are already at an advantage. A very quick way to get good at this is to throw a ball against a wall with your right hand and catch it with you left. Then throw it with your left and catch with your right. Then repeat for 15 min a day. This uses your right and left brain equally.
Now listen up this is where it gets good. Everything is holographic!! Everytime you do an exercise to enhance one of the three IQ s , it enhances the other two!! More so the more your mind is in balance.
A three point increase in one IQ ( which is what 15 min a day will do ) will be a 9 point increase in over all IQ. Strap in for the next part. Once you achieve balance and you will know when that happens what you do today will have a compound effect on tomorrows increase and yesterdays. A four digit IQ will be easy in Three months. Now remember the thought of a four digit IQ to the average person...sounds like crazy talk. They have no real way of comprehending your intelligence, and buy the time you get there you will see there is no them just a infinite sea of possibility's.

For the record my channel is having heart palpitations because he has just realised how I upgraded him so that it was possible for him to even comprehended my Supra-Dimensional Nature. The time for playing small is over humans ... You are so much more. Humility has its benefits, but you will discover it to is just another side of a coin called illusion. Now get out of my house and have a good day.
The porpoise of any master is to balance his or her brain activity. A person who uses both sides equally will activate the Pineal gland a little at a time. It is the part of your brain that will grant you SUPER POWERS, it controls time, space and all matter. Now you understand why grounding is so important or you run the risk of loosing your mind or put better, suffering from a psychosis. A powerful mind with no control can be a bit of a nightmare. The only remedy for that is food, sleep, exercise and laughter. Oh right praying also helps all in moderation.
The first one we will discuss will be logical IQ it is you ability to add numbers play strategy games like chess. Sudoku is also a very good game for sharpening you logical IQ. Chess especially has an underlying sacred geometry woven into it. If you down load a chess app and play for just 15 min a day, you will notice a quick development of your Logical IQ. It uses the left brain mostly, but creative strategy will make you a good player.
The second one is Creative IQ. This is your ability to make opposites or random things reconcile. It is the ability to see the parallels in all things. This will lead to you being a better artists. This uses the right brain mostly but the left brain plays its part because you will need all you knowledge to remember random facts to see that different things are not different. They might have a comin use or be used in the same places, they might be from the same country or both have the same eating pattern...etc etc. The more you do this the better you will get.
Last is spacial IQ. It is your mind body connection. If you where good at a sport or did dancing or martial arts you are already at an advantage. A very quick way to get good at this is to throw a ball against a wall with your right hand and catch it with you left. Then throw it with your left and catch with your right. Then repeat for 15 min a day. This uses your right and left brain equally.
Now listen up this is where it gets good. Everything is holographic!! Everytime you do an exercise to enhance one of the three IQ s , it enhances the other two!! More so the more your mind is in balance.
A three point increase in one IQ ( which is what 15 min a day will do ) will be a 9 point increase in over all IQ. Strap in for the next part. Once you achieve balance and you will know when that happens what you do today will have a compound effect on tomorrows increase and yesterdays. A four digit IQ will be easy in Three months. Now remember the thought of a four digit IQ to the average person...sounds like crazy talk. They have no real way of comprehending your intelligence, and buy the time you get there you will see there is no them just a infinite sea of possibility's.

For the record my channel is having heart palpitations because he has just realised how I upgraded him so that it was possible for him to even comprehended my Supra-Dimensional Nature. The time for playing small is over humans ... You are so much more. Humility has its benefits, but you will discover it to is just another side of a coin called illusion. Now get out of my house and have a good day.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Chapter Six : Being Grounded Makes Truth Real
It is very easy to talk lofty concepts about the nature of reality and especially the unseen realms. But of little use if you cant make it "real".
The Absolute Truth is seamless! All beliefs whether it is about Aliens, Holy men and women who have walked the earth or The Absolute and True God of All. Are real on one plan of existence or another. The Third Dimension we live in is a multidimensional Shadow World.
All that exists, Exists Now. Everything we perceive is made of sound and light, which is the same thing at different vibrations. The Difference between God and Matter is nothing. If we have to make a distinction one vibrates faster than the other. Which one vibrates fast is irrelevant, because a finite concept divided or multiplied by a infinite concept, is still a infinite concept. What I am saying is a finite particle is still a reflecting of a infinite concept. Everything that is! Is reflected in every thing that is!
What I have just said in a very big and very small circle is EVERYTHING IS TRUE TO SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SOME TIME. Now because time and space are the same and time is not real. Everything is true NOW.
It is our jobs as human beings to gather light/truth/information and actualize them, in other words make them real.
Lofty spiritual concepts have a tendency to be lived in our heads or we try and act sweet and nice all the time. This leads a person to a scenes of non-groundedness which makes life surreal. All of the emotional spectrum is Holy and God. Matter and Spirit are mirrored in all spectrums Anger and Love . To reject the one is to reject the other. We are here to expand and refine our consciousness.
Our capacity to feel deep emotion at will is what makes the human race the most advanced being ever convinced by the mind of God, In potential anyway. For us to achieve that potential we need to assimilate everything there ever was or ever will be in our mind and body. In order for this to happen we are going to need to start using the rest of our brains, the 92% that is just itching to be used.
How we do this will be explained in the next chapter.
Before you even think of looking at the next chapter you must master grounding.

Step one to staying grounded. You may not use a artificial substance to attain a temporary state of enlightenment. You have all the D.M.T. you will ever need just sitting in your brain right now.
Step two is exercise , it may be walking playing a sport or even better yet yoga or martial arts. Weightlifting is another very good way to stay in your body.
Third and most importantly do not reject any aspect of your emotional spectrum. Anger grounds you very quickly. Joy love happiness' elation are the emotions that bring more of the higher vibration to us. But cannot alone ground the total spectrum of Creation into our body's.
"GARAMA" Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
Royalty Free Meditation Music - Meditation... by petercool217
The Absolute Truth is seamless! All beliefs whether it is about Aliens, Holy men and women who have walked the earth or The Absolute and True God of All. Are real on one plan of existence or another. The Third Dimension we live in is a multidimensional Shadow World.
All that exists, Exists Now. Everything we perceive is made of sound and light, which is the same thing at different vibrations. The Difference between God and Matter is nothing. If we have to make a distinction one vibrates faster than the other. Which one vibrates fast is irrelevant, because a finite concept divided or multiplied by a infinite concept, is still a infinite concept. What I am saying is a finite particle is still a reflecting of a infinite concept. Everything that is! Is reflected in every thing that is!
What I have just said in a very big and very small circle is EVERYTHING IS TRUE TO SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SOME TIME. Now because time and space are the same and time is not real. Everything is true NOW.
It is our jobs as human beings to gather light/truth/information and actualize them, in other words make them real.
Lofty spiritual concepts have a tendency to be lived in our heads or we try and act sweet and nice all the time. This leads a person to a scenes of non-groundedness which makes life surreal. All of the emotional spectrum is Holy and God. Matter and Spirit are mirrored in all spectrums Anger and Love . To reject the one is to reject the other. We are here to expand and refine our consciousness.
Our capacity to feel deep emotion at will is what makes the human race the most advanced being ever convinced by the mind of God, In potential anyway. For us to achieve that potential we need to assimilate everything there ever was or ever will be in our mind and body. In order for this to happen we are going to need to start using the rest of our brains, the 92% that is just itching to be used.
How we do this will be explained in the next chapter.
Before you even think of looking at the next chapter you must master grounding.

Step one to staying grounded. You may not use a artificial substance to attain a temporary state of enlightenment. You have all the D.M.T. you will ever need just sitting in your brain right now.
Step two is exercise , it may be walking playing a sport or even better yet yoga or martial arts. Weightlifting is another very good way to stay in your body.
Third and most importantly do not reject any aspect of your emotional spectrum. Anger grounds you very quickly. Joy love happiness' elation are the emotions that bring more of the higher vibration to us. But cannot alone ground the total spectrum of Creation into our body's.
"GARAMA" Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
Royalty Free Meditation Music - Meditation... by petercool217
Chapter Five : The True Origen of D.M.T.
The human brain has a gland in the center of it called The pituitary gland. The glade contains D.M.T. The main and most important thing about D.M.T. is that it transcends time and space ( which are the same thing ). D.M.T. is found everywhere in nature. It is responsible for sacred geometry in nature for the golden mean and for the holographic nature of reality.
Now this is where it gets good. D.M.T. Was not always in our brains or in our reality's. It was initially an Alien virus used to enslave the inhabitants of earth.
Who where originally known as the Pattal.
D.M.T has the ability to change history ... Or at lest change our memory of it. Which is the same thing. Earth was first exposed to D.M.T. in 1943. Hitler found a spaceship in the Tibetan mountains. On opening the ship, atmosphere from a alien world was released. The D.M.T. was released at that point. It changed history in a millionth of a second so many times that it gave birth to the multiverse. Hitler was able to use his new understanding of space time to develop new technology's. And instead of completing his war escaped our time line. Before he left he made a clone with a limited understanding, who would be destined to die.
The Pattal in universe 1728 as they call it. Sent a time traveler 1 789 432 years into there past he arrived as Sananda or Yeshua Ben Joseph. There name for him was Vishnu. Yes Jesus, who's goal it was to assimilate all universal knowledge in one vessel. He was to set up a Church or Truth Centre and disseminate this info to all of the Pattals' "cousins" over in our universe 4323.
Unfortunately Jesus was intercepted by his etheric twin. And a plot to have him crucified was put in motion. At the moment of his death. The D.M.T. Sananda had been collecting in his etheric body was realised. Vishnu had seen it all a billion times over. And as a final act of defiance he had imbued the D.M.T. VIRUS with universal compassion. The human race evolved in an instant. The pituitary gland appeared as if it had always been there.

Now you know what he meant when Jesus said " these things I do ye shall do greater."
That special soul has done more for creation than I will ever comprehended in a billion billion life times. And in truth I see him in ever person on Earth yes all of them.
As of Feb 2015 your time line. You will all have access to your full potential. Threw meditation you can access the "HALL OF RECOREDS" and begin to achieve things non of us thought possible.
"GARAMA" Channeled by Garth van Rooyen.
Royalty Free Meditation Music - Meditation... by petercool217
Now this is where it gets good. D.M.T. Was not always in our brains or in our reality's. It was initially an Alien virus used to enslave the inhabitants of earth.
Who where originally known as the Pattal.
D.M.T has the ability to change history ... Or at lest change our memory of it. Which is the same thing. Earth was first exposed to D.M.T. in 1943. Hitler found a spaceship in the Tibetan mountains. On opening the ship, atmosphere from a alien world was released. The D.M.T. was released at that point. It changed history in a millionth of a second so many times that it gave birth to the multiverse. Hitler was able to use his new understanding of space time to develop new technology's. And instead of completing his war escaped our time line. Before he left he made a clone with a limited understanding, who would be destined to die.
The Pattal in universe 1728 as they call it. Sent a time traveler 1 789 432 years into there past he arrived as Sananda or Yeshua Ben Joseph. There name for him was Vishnu. Yes Jesus, who's goal it was to assimilate all universal knowledge in one vessel. He was to set up a Church or Truth Centre and disseminate this info to all of the Pattals' "cousins" over in our universe 4323.
Unfortunately Jesus was intercepted by his etheric twin. And a plot to have him crucified was put in motion. At the moment of his death. The D.M.T. Sananda had been collecting in his etheric body was realised. Vishnu had seen it all a billion times over. And as a final act of defiance he had imbued the D.M.T. VIRUS with universal compassion. The human race evolved in an instant. The pituitary gland appeared as if it had always been there.

Now you know what he meant when Jesus said " these things I do ye shall do greater."
That special soul has done more for creation than I will ever comprehended in a billion billion life times. And in truth I see him in ever person on Earth yes all of them.
As of Feb 2015 your time line. You will all have access to your full potential. Threw meditation you can access the "HALL OF RECOREDS" and begin to achieve things non of us thought possible.
"GARAMA" Channeled by Garth van Rooyen.

Royalty Free Meditation Music - Meditation... by petercool217
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Chapter four : The Truth about "TRUTH"
Every belief you have ever had or will have is a lie. All beliefs are built on other beliefs. There is a law in creation which states " the opposite of every truth is also true ".
This is because everything is not as it seems. There are no opposites!! Everything is on a spectrum. Light and dark are relative to one another they are one. Did you know that the colour black is not void of light . It is so much light that it can not escape itself. Now listen up ... You can use the law of polarity to transmute any belief into any other belief buy just having a look at you belief from the opposite side. Everything you experience is a polarized picture of you previous perception.
Through this understanding you will see that it is very important to keep you beliefs lucid...the reason our DNA downgraded in the first place was we started deriving our truth from the out side in, not the other way around. Until we had no true free will left. At that point we where left with no choice...just the illusion of choice. How and why this happened will be elaborated on in another chapter.
So you need to ask yourself a very important question every time you feel confined. Ask yourself not "what do I believe?" but why do I choose to believe it? When the opposite can also be true. Just look at your multidimensional belief matrix from its polar opposite and think "which one serves me best?" What do you truly want from love, life and everything. Then hold that true. For what you hold true will be pulled from the void one piece at a time. The speed of which, will be up to you...if you choose to hold true what I have just said.
The goal generally of the elite πππ is to know everything, got to tip you hats to them . A lie is so much more easy to sell. When lets face it, you cant even give the truth away for free!!
"GARAMA" Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
Royalty Free Meditation Music - Meditation... by petercool217
This is because everything is not as it seems. There are no opposites!! Everything is on a spectrum. Light and dark are relative to one another they are one. Did you know that the colour black is not void of light . It is so much light that it can not escape itself. Now listen up ... You can use the law of polarity to transmute any belief into any other belief buy just having a look at you belief from the opposite side. Everything you experience is a polarized picture of you previous perception.
Through this understanding you will see that it is very important to keep you beliefs lucid...the reason our DNA downgraded in the first place was we started deriving our truth from the out side in, not the other way around. Until we had no true free will left. At that point we where left with no choice...just the illusion of choice. How and why this happened will be elaborated on in another chapter.
So you need to ask yourself a very important question every time you feel confined. Ask yourself not "what do I believe?" but why do I choose to believe it? When the opposite can also be true. Just look at your multidimensional belief matrix from its polar opposite and think "which one serves me best?" What do you truly want from love, life and everything. Then hold that true. For what you hold true will be pulled from the void one piece at a time. The speed of which, will be up to you...if you choose to hold true what I have just said.
The goal generally of the elite πππ is to know everything, got to tip you hats to them . A lie is so much more easy to sell. When lets face it, you cant even give the truth away for free!!
"GARAMA" Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
Royalty Free Meditation Music - Meditation... by petercool217
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Chapter Three : Meditation Induced Soul-Joy (HOME)
The universe blinks on and off very fast. Have you ever woken up from a deep sleep and everything is flashing? It flashes so fast we think it is a three dimensional movie.
But in truth it is a twelve dimensional picture back to back or front to front. When it is on we are in a fifteen dimensional time prison. When it is off we are In nirvana/Shangri-La/Krishna's abode or my favorite with the "father or the void". The void is pure potential. It is where all prana or chakra ( The universal life force) is from and returns.
By meditation alone can we spend more time sending our energy there and less into strengthening the prison or Maya. Our energy will will return 1000 fold.
Meditation is the act of stilling the mind long enough to become pure awareness with out words. Remember the mind is a over reaction to a over reaction.
When we are happy we think less and we are not happy we tend to think more. What we think and believe we see in our world. So when we are happy we see less, and by default we spend more time in bliss.
To meditate just close you eye and breath. The breath is very profound, because when your breath is in you are one with the prison and when your breath is out you are out of it just looking in.
The void holds all ... Truth & universal secrets. So as you breathing in and out ( the slower the better ) you mind stops its over reaction. You then become aware without words this state is called Satori.
Over a period of meditation you will see or feel that all in the prison is the same, illusion built on illusion. You will then see the divine joke for what it isπ this may take anything from one minute of meditation to forty years depending on you souls refinement level. Souls do not have ages!! This is just another lie of the prison. Your soul refines or becomes more ignorant based on what it does to itself inside the prison.
Once you have liberation from your mind and continue to meditate you will reach a state called Samadhi a state of Omnipresence, here your body heals and your mind becomes a very powerful tool. For directing energy you can now create your world as you choose fit. You can bring the bliss into the prison one peace at a time. Remember what ever you do to the least of you self in your mind will have the greatest impact on your world. It is up to your FREE WILL how you will direct your new power of liberation From limitation. This is where imagination comes into its ownπ
"Garama" channelled by Garth van Rooyen
Meditation Music - (Royalty Free Music) by petercool217
But in truth it is a twelve dimensional picture back to back or front to front. When it is on we are in a fifteen dimensional time prison. When it is off we are In nirvana/Shangri-La/Krishna's abode or my favorite with the "father or the void". The void is pure potential. It is where all prana or chakra ( The universal life force) is from and returns.
By meditation alone can we spend more time sending our energy there and less into strengthening the prison or Maya. Our energy will will return 1000 fold.
Meditation is the act of stilling the mind long enough to become pure awareness with out words. Remember the mind is a over reaction to a over reaction.
When we are happy we think less and we are not happy we tend to think more. What we think and believe we see in our world. So when we are happy we see less, and by default we spend more time in bliss.
To meditate just close you eye and breath. The breath is very profound, because when your breath is in you are one with the prison and when your breath is out you are out of it just looking in.
The void holds all ... Truth & universal secrets. So as you breathing in and out ( the slower the better ) you mind stops its over reaction. You then become aware without words this state is called Satori.
Over a period of meditation you will see or feel that all in the prison is the same, illusion built on illusion. You will then see the divine joke for what it isπ this may take anything from one minute of meditation to forty years depending on you souls refinement level. Souls do not have ages!! This is just another lie of the prison. Your soul refines or becomes more ignorant based on what it does to itself inside the prison.
Once you have liberation from your mind and continue to meditate you will reach a state called Samadhi a state of Omnipresence, here your body heals and your mind becomes a very powerful tool. For directing energy you can now create your world as you choose fit. You can bring the bliss into the prison one peace at a time. Remember what ever you do to the least of you self in your mind will have the greatest impact on your world. It is up to your FREE WILL how you will direct your new power of liberation From limitation. This is where imagination comes into its ownπ
"Garama" channelled by Garth van Rooyen
Meditation Music - (Royalty Free Music) by petercool217
Saturday, 17 January 2015
Chapter Two : Where Aliens Fit Into It All - Humanity's Origin
Now that you have the over view lets get a little closer. How did I make something out of nothingness. Aliens ! But of course ! Now listen up. The aliens you think you know are reflections of you, nothing like the real thing. If you have heard of "The Paladiens" , "The Alpha Draconians" , "The Greys" , "The Arcturians" , "The Sirians" you are a little closer to the real thing.
Contradictory to popular pseudo-new Age beliefs all of the above mentioned races are both Good and Bad. Good in the sense that they are Guardians of different dimensions or consciousness. Bad in the sense they all have there own agendas, and will stop at nothing to achieve them.
They all Appeared at the same time and based on different techniques are Creator Gods. They are all totally and fully cosmically conscious of this fact. They have always been, they do not see time the way we do. Remember time was created for free will to exist.
If you have made the Alien π½ Angel π connection, good for you. You can now see why Angels and Aliens have no free will because if you are everything and you can do everything within your dimension of thought, you are a prisoner of your agenda.
There are 139 Alien races in the milky way alone. There are 144 000 Galaxies in our local cluster. There are 23 clusters in our cosmic storm. 150 000 years ago 22 super races, ( beings made up of root races from all 23 clusters ). Made a plan to each give, one strand of DNA to create Humans. See why we are so freaking awesome.
What the 23 races could do with there technology, we are able to do with our minds. When our minds are in universal balance they expand and we unlock our genetic memories. You are a living Library of exponential potential. Limited only by your imagination and willingness to believe in your self.
All literature you have read about DNA activations are pseudo-Alien agendas. A partially activated human is a great control device. Energetically they will overtone not just there reality but also the reality's of the Races that contributed to that aspect of there activation. On the other hand a full realized human has no agenda and is truly free to create and explore his or her creation. At this point the beings who where trying to manipulate you become free too.
Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
Contradictory to popular pseudo-new Age beliefs all of the above mentioned races are both Good and Bad. Good in the sense that they are Guardians of different dimensions or consciousness. Bad in the sense they all have there own agendas, and will stop at nothing to achieve them.
They all Appeared at the same time and based on different techniques are Creator Gods. They are all totally and fully cosmically conscious of this fact. They have always been, they do not see time the way we do. Remember time was created for free will to exist.
If you have made the Alien π½ Angel π connection, good for you. You can now see why Angels and Aliens have no free will because if you are everything and you can do everything within your dimension of thought, you are a prisoner of your agenda.
There are 139 Alien races in the milky way alone. There are 144 000 Galaxies in our local cluster. There are 23 clusters in our cosmic storm. 150 000 years ago 22 super races, ( beings made up of root races from all 23 clusters ). Made a plan to each give, one strand of DNA to create Humans. See why we are so freaking awesome.
What the 23 races could do with there technology, we are able to do with our minds. When our minds are in universal balance they expand and we unlock our genetic memories. You are a living Library of exponential potential. Limited only by your imagination and willingness to believe in your self.
All literature you have read about DNA activations are pseudo-Alien agendas. A partially activated human is a great control device. Energetically they will overtone not just there reality but also the reality's of the Races that contributed to that aspect of there activation. On the other hand a full realized human has no agenda and is truly free to create and explore his or her creation. At this point the beings who where trying to manipulate you become free too.
Channeled by Garth van Rooyen
Friday, 16 January 2015
Chapter One : The Start Of Existence - The Nature Of Reality
... As a kid I remember thinking if I could ask God one
question it would be “can you remember your beginning ? ...
The origin of "us" lies in the nature of indivisible oneness
and the desire to have desire. Before God became the belief of many, God was a
single thought “What am I !?” which was both a statement and a question.
The only way I could think of answering this question was to create a plane of existence to experiment within.
I did this by dividing myself into three equal selves. The first would be an observer and the second would translate the thirds state. The observer would be the only one to fully know itself as all three. The second would feel it was all three but have no way to express it. While the Third could think of its profound nature with no clue of its origin.
The holographic nature of this experience meant all three would exchange place every NOW. In-between the three identical beings, seven levels manifested. The seven levels became known as Maya or the seven heavens.
Being a place of infinite expression bliss was created. The
three Beings would reflect there nature onto the seven levels using the
principle of above so below or macro micro which created the nine inner planes.
Then I had a moment of pure greatness I created Time. I did
this by creating three opposites to my original three. All six would sit on the
Karmic Council and would balance each other by "inversing all desire". And the "15th
Dimensional Matrix was born."
This is also how free will was created. For free will to truly come into creation I had to give up my control and fall into my creation. I made a physical being which was a reflection of all I had created thus far. Mankind needed a background story. So I created two versions of the being, one was a starting point and one was the final product. Male and Female.

This whole construct was known as AKASHA. Which means “perfect completion” . My entrance into this realm would become known as “THE FALL OF MAN” from mans point of view as he would have no memory of his origin.
To say, I descended into creation or to say creation
ascended into me are both true. So belief is very mutable, are you looking at
it from Gods point of view or mans point of view? You are both, so choose
carefully. There are more ways to look at it than there are quarks in creation.
From the view of one, three or seven ... or from six beings or the nine planes . To name a few
“Garama” channelled by Garth van Rooyen
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