Most of you are going to die from the number one killer, "Old Age". You age for one reason, "you stop learning". The human body was designed to grow old the moment you stoped learning new things. A merciful glitch don't you think. Imagine living forever in the same world. Think about it if you all stopped learning the world would stay the same for ever.
On the other hand you can after the age of 21 stop or drastically slow the aging process - it must also be noted that the human body can reverse the aging process. You do this by creating infinitely new pathways in your brain.
There are four golden pillars of the Infinity dome. They are curiosity,paradox,balance and systems thinking. The blending and practice of these four give why to mastery over the 15th Dimensional Time matrix. This matrix is the prison and birthplace of the mind. Mastery over this matrix leads to immortality and God realization.
Your curiosity for new subjects must be stoked continuously. Breaks are necessary for incubation of new paradigms, but a continuous and unrelenting attitude is of prime importance. The broader the topics the better.
The willingness to entertain paradoxes between religions, cultures, the macro-micro nature of the cosmos,between boys and girls the sun and the moon, day and night and everything in-between.

Make a point of finding balance in you life. Balance your focus on body,mind,spiritual and social topics. Balance your opinion about all the new information you are accumulating. The lack of an even keeled outlook and inlook is the fastest way to halt all progress.
System thinking is a necessity. You are a particle of awareness in a system, you are also a system in a particle. Become familiar with systems of energy distribution in all it shapes and forms.Become aware Systems of knowledge and truth in your environment as well as your body and mind. The infinite anatomy of the cosmic, both macro and micro is the path to enlightenment and immortality.
I Garama am all, but I will never stop challenging the "forever evolving maya".
My reward is that I will always grow stronger and wiser. My punishment is I will never stop being challenged by a infinitely wiser Universe. To say I love the universe or to say I hate the universe are turms I have transcended eons ago. They are both infinitely meaningless and profound words, in my never ending story. Peace out bitches.
"GARAMA" channeled by
Garth van Rooyen

On the other hand you can after the age of 21 stop or drastically slow the aging process - it must also be noted that the human body can reverse the aging process. You do this by creating infinitely new pathways in your brain.
There are four golden pillars of the Infinity dome. They are curiosity,paradox,balance and systems thinking. The blending and practice of these four give why to mastery over the 15th Dimensional Time matrix. This matrix is the prison and birthplace of the mind. Mastery over this matrix leads to immortality and God realization.
Your curiosity for new subjects must be stoked continuously. Breaks are necessary for incubation of new paradigms, but a continuous and unrelenting attitude is of prime importance. The broader the topics the better.
The willingness to entertain paradoxes between religions, cultures, the macro-micro nature of the cosmos,between boys and girls the sun and the moon, day and night and everything in-between.
Make a point of finding balance in you life. Balance your focus on body,mind,spiritual and social topics. Balance your opinion about all the new information you are accumulating. The lack of an even keeled outlook and inlook is the fastest way to halt all progress.
System thinking is a necessity. You are a particle of awareness in a system, you are also a system in a particle. Become familiar with systems of energy distribution in all it shapes and forms.Become aware Systems of knowledge and truth in your environment as well as your body and mind. The infinite anatomy of the cosmic, both macro and micro is the path to enlightenment and immortality.
I Garama am all, but I will never stop challenging the "forever evolving maya".
My reward is that I will always grow stronger and wiser. My punishment is I will never stop being challenged by a infinitely wiser Universe. To say I love the universe or to say I hate the universe are turms I have transcended eons ago. They are both infinitely meaningless and profound words, in my never ending story. Peace out bitches.
"GARAMA" channeled by
Garth van Rooyen